Tuesday, 8 July 2014

Nail Inspiration #3 | Le Tour De France

Yesterday I went to watch the Le Tour De France in Felsted, and it was such a great day. The atmosphere was absolutely amazing, so in spirit of this event, I thought that I would do some simple themed nails!

What I used...

◊ Barry M Foil Effects in Silver.

◊ Revlon glitter in Stunning.

◊ Barry M in Yellow.

◊ Sinful Colors in Snow Me White.

◊ Barry M in Bright Red.

◊ Barry M in Spring Green.

◊ Double Ended Dotting Tool.

My Nails...

I wanted the theme to be the coloured jerseys, but as there's only 4 I added a bit of my style to it!

This is what I did for my style!

This jersey represents the Overall Leader.

This jersey represents the King of the Mountains.

This jersey represents the Points Leader.

This jersey represents the Best Young Rider.

I hope you like my nails and have enjoyed the Tour De France so far!xoxo


  1. That's a cute idea. I like that each nail represents something. :] // itsCarmen.com ☼

    1. awh thankyou, it was actually my dads idea to do the jerseys!! x
