Tuesday 29 July 2014

Nail Polish Collection | Bombarded By Blue | Barry M Blues

As this months theme is Blue! I thought that I would do a nail polish collection post, and as I have quite a few Barry M blues, that's what I'm going to do!...

Monday 28 July 2014

Top 5 Picks | Victoria's Secret | One Piece Swim Wear

It's been over a month since I did my last Top 5 Picks post, so as it's Summer I thought that I would do Swim Wear from Victoria's Secrets as they are absolutely stunning!

Friday 25 July 2014

Bombarded By Blue | Chanel

I am OBSESSED with Chanel and I'm always looking on their website at all the gorgeous things wishing that I could buy them! So I thought that I would pick out a few of my favourite blue items for this months theme!

Tuesday 22 July 2014


I love painting my nails, and I really like the Barry M Gelly Hi Shine polishes at the moment as they are quite vibrant and summery...

◊ Left - Barry M Gelly Hi Shine in Dragon.

◊ Right - Barry M Gelly Hi Shine in Greenberry.

What are your nails of the week?xoxo

Sunday 20 July 2014

Top 5 Picks | Bunny Items

This weekend is quite exciting for me as I am looking after Hannah from Hannah's Heartss' bunny Bluebell
Looking after her has given me inspiration to do a Top 5 Picks post as I haven't done one in a while!

Tuesday 15 July 2014

Tiger Wishlist #1

When I went to Cambridge the other week, I went into Tiger and bought a few things (featured in my haul post). So I thought that I would check out their website to see if there were any more goodies that I need to look for on my next trip!

Sunday 13 July 2014

Bombarded By Blue | ASOS | Clothes

For my second post of this months colour theme- Blue, I am doing clothes products from ASOS!

Friday 11 July 2014

10 Girl Life Hacks #1

I've seen quite a few YouTube videos were people have done life hacks, so I thought that I would do a post on life hacks that girls can use!

Tuesday 8 July 2014

Nail Inspiration #3 | Le Tour De France

Yesterday I went to watch the Le Tour De France in Felsted, and it was such a great day. The atmosphere was absolutely amazing, so in spirit of this event, I thought that I would do some simple themed nails!

Sunday 6 July 2014

Bombarded By Blue | Pretty Little Thing | Jewellery

I'm thinking of having a different colour for each month that will be featured in some posts. So I am starting with one of my favourite colours- BLUE...

Friday 4 July 2014

Cambridge Haul

So I went to Cambridge the other day to buy my Dad's birthday presents, but there are such good shops there that I had to buy myself a few things!! 

Tuesday 1 July 2014

Makeup Wishlist | July

I'm forever looking at makeup products and just wanting lots of money so I can buy them all! So, I'm only going to do monthly makeup wishlists as this will stop me from doing too many!